In 1992, because Alabama families had many unmet needs, a grassroots coalition sprang up across Alabama to examine and redirect the way we provide supports and services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. The FACES (Families and Consumers Establishing Supports) coalition, which included people with disabilities, their family members, friends, and advocates was created. They embraced a powerful statement of values and goals for the State of Alabama, and 1993 saw the passage of Act 93-334 which created the Individual & Family Support program. The state was divided into five regions, each with a volunteer regional council made up of individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. Regional councils were directed to incorporate as nonprofits, and administer the program in their area through the work of local councils. Family Support (Individual & Family Support of South Alabama, Inc.) was created in January, 1994, as a nonprofit corporation designed to serve ten counties in the southern portion of the State.
Assistance is provided to individuals and families statewide through volunteer councils using state funding, contracts, grants and donations. In 2009 Family Support established a new Board of Trustees to add a level of intensity and commitment to the organizations’ plans, goals and objectives.